Conor Murray

Director of Regulatory and Public Affairs, egta - Treasurer of EDAA

Conor Murray is the Head of Regulatory and Public Affairs at egta, the association of television and radio sales houses. He previously spent five years at the European Commission and has been living and working in Brussels for the past eight years. egta is the trade association of television and radio sales houses that commercialise the advertising space of both private and public TV/radio channels all over Europe and beyond. egta aims to make sure the voice of sales houses are heard in all relevant debates and to pave the way for a better regulatory environment for the European advertising and media industries to flourish.

Association of television and radio sales houses (egta)



Egta’s objective is two-fold: firstly to address the needs of advertising sales houses, whether individual or common, to help them secure, develop, and/or diversify their revenue; secondly, to work hand in hand both with the European institutions and with all actors of the advertising industry to help build a promising future for commercial communications in a fast-changing technological environment.