Angela Mills Wade
Executive Director, EPC - Chair, EDAA
Angela Mills Wade has been the Executive Director of the European Publishers’ Council (EPC) since 1991. Previously, Angela worked as Head of European Affairs and Special Issues at the...
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Conor Murray
Director of Regulatory and Public Affairs, egta - Treasurer of EDAA
Conor Murray is the Head of Regulatory and Public Affairs at egta, the association of television and radio sales houses. He previously spent five years at the European Commission...
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Robin de Wouters
Communication and Commercial Director
Robin is the Communication and Commercial Director at FEDMA and a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E). Before joining FEDMA, Robin managed the communication efforts at the European Interactive Digital...

Charley Stoney
European Association Of Communications Agencies (EACA) Website: www.eaca.eu Email: infoeacaeu EACA is the voice of Europe’s communication agencies and associations, promoting the economic and social contribution of commercial communications to society. EACA monitors and engages in relevant policy debates supporting evidence-based and...
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Francesca Fabbri
Association Manager, AER
Association of European Radios (AER) Website: www.aereurope.org E-mail: aeraereuropeorg X: @AEReurope The Association of European Radios (AER) is the voice of commercial radio in Europe. AER is the trade body representing, protecting and advancing the interests of thousands of commercial radio stations...
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Stephan Loerke
Stephan Loerke has been the CEO of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) since 2003. During his tenure, WFA has tripled its corporate membership and has extended its network to 60 countries, significantly reinforcing the WFA’s presence in the...
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Ninon Vagner
Privacy Director, IAB Europe
Ninon leads the privacy-oriented work of IAB Europe and oversees the TCF compliance programmes. She has previously worked at Leboncoin Group in Paris, responsible for ePrivacy & GDPR legal compliance for advertising operations, and at Sirdata on data protection...
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Charo Fernando Magarzo
Deputy General Director, Autocontrol
Charo Fernando Magarzo is the Deputy Director General of the Spanish Advertising SRO (Association for Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication, AUTOCONTROL) and is also Vice-Chair of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA). Charo Fernando Magarzo holds a PhD in Law...
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Ilias Konteas
Executive Director, EMMA & ENPA
Ilias Konteas took up the position of Executive Director for EMMA in October 2018. Ilias has a legal background with a specialisation in European law, including European media law. Before joining EMMA/ENPA he spent 16 years at BUSINESSEUROPE, in...
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Grégoire Polad
Director General
Grégoire Polad, a French national living in Belgium for more than 20 years, is the new head of the ACT as of November 2015. Greg has been involved in European affairs for more than a decade working in several...
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