As the main the advocate of European newspaper publishers, ENPA has several objectives:
– to enable European newspaper publishers to speak with one voice towards the European institutions and influence policy in publishers’ common interests;
– to represent and defend the interests of the press as far as any legislative or policy issue might have an influence on the freedom or the economic role of newspapers in Europe;
– to preserve and promote fundamental rights and in particular press freedom as a cornerstone of democracy, as well as commercial freedom as the precondition for economic viability;
– to act as an early warning system for pending legislation or regulation, primarily from the European Union and Council of Europe, for the newspaper publishing industry;
– to provide services to members and their publishers, which are closely aligned to its lobbying mandate such as the transmission of information on the current state of legislative initiatives and its likely impact, and
– to favour pluralism and diversity of media content.
Given the rapidly changing media and business model landscape, ENPA works on behalf of its members and their publishers, who embrace new media opportunities in the ongoing development of successful multimedia businesses, and who hope to receive increasing proportions of their profit from the successful exploitation of their information and data through non-traditional media formats.
Square du Bastion 1A, Bte. 3,
1050 Brussels
Contact details
Email: enpa(at)enpa.be
Phone: + 32 2 551 01 90
Website: www.enpa.be