29) What is an “SRO”? How are SROs involved in the European Self-Regulatory Programme on OBA?
March 21, 2019Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) are independent bodies set up by the ad industry to apply advertising codes of...
30) How do I know which SRO will handle consumer complaints specific to my company?
March 21, 2019In order to ensure upmost consistency for businesses and consumers, only one specific SRO will contact any single...
31) What are the SRO’s procedures?
March 21, 2019SROs follow consistent procedures for complaint handling (informal resolution; investigations; adjudications) and when applying appropriate sanctions. If...
32) What sanctions are in place for non-compliance with the European Principles?
March 21, 2019EDAA reserves the right to refuse or revoke any agreement for the use of the AdChoices Icon...
33) What measures are being taken to ensure widespread consumer awareness of the self-regulatory approach across Europe?
March 21, 2019EDAA runs, from time to time, a pan-European consumer awareness campaign. This takes the form of online...